Decade of Dong

What is it about exposed vagina that is so sexual? More importantly what is it about exposed penis that is so funny. More and more actors going for the full frontal in comedies for the laugh (Viva Judd Apatow). I went to a screening of the film Couples Retreat last night and Carlos Ponce (a very buff version of Lindsay Price's contractor boyfriend in Lipstick Jungle) played a yoga instructor that rocked some wicked shiny speedos that didn't leave you wondering whether or not he is circumcised. Then he proceeded to hump every member of the cast -- literally. At one point, his genitalia was placed repeatedly on one of the actresses spread eagle style vagina. Just imagine if you had a sandwich (penis) that was wrapped in a napkin (speedo) and you placed that sandwich on the counter (vagina). Okay, now pick up that sandwich ... then place it on the counter again ... and pick it up ... then put it down ... then pick it up .... now put it down. Now blow up that image in your head up 1000%. Now, you're in the ball park of what I'm talking about. I shutter to think what we'll find funny in 2020 ... insertion shots. Guffaw, guffaw! If Couples Retreat were a Judd Apatow film, we would have seen Faison Love from the front. More cock never hurt anybody