Nothing groundbreaking happened yesterday. I embarked on this dildo quest more out of boredom, a lark, really. The Adult Boutique beckoning from across the street of my "mountain view" townhouse boasted to have the selection the women wanted. Yeah right. I've been to my share of sex shops and truly the best is on Melrose in L.A. They have some of the weirdest shit in there. The stuff you can't find anywhere else. The large sized brushed nickel fist complete with forearm. That thing is like $300. That store is in the heart of West Hollywood, aka homoville. It's bound to have the top of the line in freakery. The Adult Boutique I speak of is in the heart of the valley, aka pornoville. This store seemingly legit, clean and tidy catered not to the woman and her needs, but to the heterosexual male. Nothing could be more boring in a sex shop than a straight frat dude. To say their selection of faux male genitalia wasn't up to par is an understatement, but they did have some sort of penis chest harnest.
What is that contraption you say? Well, it's a strap on penis, but instead of strapping it to your crotch ala girl on girl style or transgendered style, you strap it to your chest. Why on earth would you strap a fake penis to your chest? Exactly my query. It's so you can penetrate the person that you are pleasuring orally. I know. I was so confused. I had to look up the stenciled drawing on the back. This was a gay man toy and I still didn't understand. I should have been tipped off by the big naked bear in the chain leather, but no, I had to get the visual. Oh! He sits on your chest and you blow him. It's a menage trois without the trois, it's a menage a deux with 3 cocks. I'm up to speed now. Well, that's the only exciting thing I found in the Adult Boutique if you don't count the hooker/stripper combo at the front desk trying to look like a customer and not an employee. I also noticed that in a red lit doorway they had a dry erase board numbered 1. 2. 3. with names next to numbers like Cinnamon and Liza. I imagined a peepshow somewhere between the sanitary version of a LL Cool J music video and those splooge stained booths of Minnesota ala Candy Girl. I high tailed it out of there. The counter dude didn't even greet me upon my entrance or exit. Fuck you whitey. You're not getting my money.
Still on my dildo quest, I went to the Romantix up the block. Hey, I live in the valley. There are sex shops everywhere. Actually, all of LA is like that. Anyway, Romantix is a chain of sex shops. Legit if you will. It's like the Hustler Club except its not attached to a strip club. I walked in the two clerks were like HEY! I'm like wassup! Now, that's service. They didn't hover me like a security guard shadowing black youths in Macy's. They were just like what's up, we like sex too, top of the morning to ya. I felt like I was in Cheers. Now, there are variety of dildos, but what I was really after was a vibrator but the step up. Let me explain. Dildos are big rubber cocks that do nothing. You have to do all the work. It's like a lazy man. A vibrator is either shaped like a cock or a tampon and it vibrates like a sonic toothbrush or an electric razor. I don't get it. The next tier looks like a power drill. This is where you need to be. They look intimidating because they're a good foot plus long, but only half of that is penetrable penis. 4 inches of that is batteries and control settings. The gem of this monstronsity is that the head of the penis rotates perfect for those of us who have a phantom g-spot, the middle rotates a bunch of beads that stimulate the vaginal entrance where most of your nerves are and there's usually some girly animal ala dolphin or bunny or butterfly welded to the front to that vibrates on its own setting for clitoral stimulation. You can set that thing on blender or hurricane.
Basically its fool proof climax. You don't have do anything. You don't have to think sexy thoughts, watch porn, read romance novels, be in the mood. You'll come in 3 minutes flat. It's like a quick and dirty pop song. In and out and on with your day. Do it when you're stressed, horny, can't sleep or just bored. The problem is, its so quick and satisfying, you'll want to it again, and again and again. It's like crack. Or if you're not a drug addict, it's like fresh baked cookies, new shoes, a new car. You just want to eat the whole batch, buy one more pair, count down the minutes until you can drive it again. Just like chronic porn ruins sex for guys; chronic dildo use must do the same for women.
But don't fear, I'll never give up my love affair with the real thing. I love the way men smell and feel and they weight of them on top of you. Occasionally, I like my sex to talk back to me and not just hum like an appliance. I like to cuddle and giggle and sleep and fuck again. Things you can't do with something that you can stick in a sock drawer. Besides, its not the destination, its the journey.
But for right now, I'll settle for the destination. Oh, yeah, don't get that shit lost up there.
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